Videos to watch:
"James Wisniewski CBOE Seats Outtakes"
"All-Star Voting: Brian Campbell Political Campaign Ad"
"Pick (On) a Teammate: The Prankster" (parts 1-2-3)
"All-Star Voting: Kane/Toews Political Ads"
"Jonathan Toews: All Access" (parts 1-2)
"Kane, Toews Thank You Fun"
Patrick Sharp is so entertaining, and Jonathan Toews' cute reactions to everything make me laugh. I also enjoy that everytime Sharpie decides to pull a prank on Toews, it just so happens that Toews is half naked. I thank him for his sense of timeliness.

It's weird because Jonathan Toews looks like a baby, and is, in a way, still a baby. I mean, I don't think he's older than 20, right? But his voice is so deep, and his shoulders are just nice and broad. It's kind of awkward, and in a weird way, that becomes attractive. (It's legal: he is over 18)
In my experience, all hockey players have proved to be geeks, and definately not as impressive as you'd expect them to be. Now, I've never met Toews - I've only ran into him maybe once or twice during All-Star weekend - so I wouldn't know how he really is. But something about him screams "terribly uncool," and that makes him absolutely adorable.

And he's good at playing hockey, too, I guess.
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